Monday, January 28, 2013

The makers, the watchers and the rest of us!

I’m not sure when it was that I first suspected there was something about the inner workings of my government that I didn’t like. Perhaps it was a realization born of time, of maturity and even of insight; a growing realization that the heart of man tends to lust for power in all its myriad of shapes and sizes. A power that both damns those around him as it does ultimately the man himself. Who was it that said that ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’?  Well, they had it pretty much dead on.

Wander any street today and you will likely run into just three kinds of people; those who watch things happen, those who make things happen and then the vast majority who stand there asking ‘what happened’? We are a group of citizens no longer known as the ‘silent majority’, no, we’ve become the ‘clueless majority’ and I fear we all will pay dearly as a result.

The truth be told, the average person, in America, has as much chance to change his world as an ant does to run and win a seat in Congress. For most of us that means a pointless existence while we bend to the will of others. We’re all just worker ants, going about our daily struggle until age, infirmity or much younger ants shoulder us roughly out of the way. And so there we stand, in the alleyways and the dead end spaces with blank faces and an empty future. And, even though we comprise the vast majority, we are as nothing in the great scheme of things. But, you know what? I'm proud to be one!

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