Friday, January 11, 2013

Excerpt from a daily journal as concerns a Federal conspiracy!

Yesterday, after I wrote some thoughts about the Nazi Third Reich, I got to thinking about there being a real conspiracy to destroy the Union and came up with the following troublesome points:

A Conspiracy to Destroy the Republic??

Programs                                                                                                                                                      Status

Curtail the sale of guns and then confiscate them.......................................................................................... In process

Build internment camps all across the US...................................................................................................... Unknown

Ram through NDAA to allow for due process to be bypassed....................................................................... Done

Establish 'death panels' to judge who will live and who will die.................................................................... Done

Severely restrict research for oil and gas on government lands....................................................................... Done

Allow no new oil or gas development on private lands or waters.................................................................... Done

Send deep water oil rigs to South America....................................................................................................... Done

Encourage development of windmills for future power.................................................................................... Done

Buy up 30% of America's land............................................................................................................................ Done

Place 50% of the citizens on welfare.................................................................................................................. In process

Establish a secret police force (TSA, FEMA?)................................................................................................... Unknown

Encourage illegals to enter into America and then give them free food.............................................................. Done

Provide free education to the young in return for 10 yrs service........................................................................... Done

Encourage Corporations to move elsewhere.......................................................................................................... In process

Continue to spend at unsustainable levels............................................................................................................... In process

Encourage acceptance of drug use & encourage anti-church groups like atheists................................................... In process

Destroy & fracture the family unit with millions of kids growing up in broken homes.......................................... In process

Federally support gay unions and marriages as an affront to Christian values......................................................... Done

Federally support torture as a viable means of interrogation..................................................................................... Done

Destroy the housing industry and leave millions holding worthless properties.......................................................... Done

Idle millions for an indefinite period or force them into part-time jobs...................................................................... Done

Take away America's sense of community thru 'media isolation techniques'.............................................................. Done

Hollow out the military and leave the Nation vulnerable.............................................................................................. In process

Wow! That was a lot of stuff right off the top of my head! I'm sure that if I really put some effort to this type of thinking, I could come up with a lot more! The point is, that in striving to be a 'correct' government, perhaps the end results were not what they expected! Yet, here's what I see them doing:

Greatly restrict the pursuit of Life and Liberty through regulations
Crushing the American Spirit to create and to produce
Built a healthcare system that cannot ever work
Slowly impoverish millions through welfare and entitlement handouts
Progressively take away a populations ability to defend themselves

And here's the real killer (pun intended)...............

Make everyone believe this is all being done for the 'greater good'!
Yeah, I guess there just might be something to all the conspiracy stuff after all! The problem is, with close to half the population already hooked on the government to provide day to day sustenance, how would you ever get anyone elected into office who you knew was going to start reducing or taking all that away? Much better to wait until it all falls down, when in the ensuing societal crisis, a whole new country is created based on the vision of a tiny group of despots! Yeah, that sounds about right to me!

Personally, I think that's just about how everything will eventually go down. (I wouldn't be surprised to find some Islamic and Russian cockroaches somewhere in the mix also).

If I had things my way, I'd call a national convention of the States with the sole purpose of gutting the articles of the Constitution as they pertain to the restrictions imposed on States Rights! I would get a two thirds majority and then I would stand back to watch the chaos ensue. And chaos there would be! However, I think and feel that this form of chaos would be a good thing for the ultimate survival of most of the states and maybe surprisingly, the government. Each individual state, now let loose to compete internationally; each wielding their own sovereign State Constitution and Manifest Destiny, would be an awesome and evolving spectacle to watch. Would there be problems? You bet you ass there would be. But, in the end, the 'cart' that is America might find itself headed back in the direction it used to be going; that is as a vital, strong, creative and FREE Union of States doing what they do best!

Disclaimer: The author is not a conspiracy theorist, loon or strange sort of visionary. He is an average American citizen who sees what's going on around him and who has become concerned...not so much with his future, but the future of all the children who may not have the chance to participate in a country such as he did not so long ago.

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