Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Obtaining national freedom is often at the cost of bloodshed!


Trade with China is important, but just think what it could be like to trade with a newly emerging democracy. What kind of world could be fabricated with China as an alley who joins with Canada and Mexico that could then compete with the darker forces even now festering in the other parts of the world. It would be very nice to have 1.2 billion Chinese and 350 million Americans watching each other's back!

Monday, November 18, 2019

United we shall stand!

You know, if you were to ignore the Democrats, Liberal educators and the Mass Media's non-stop racist rants. Rants that are solely designed to separate us as a People. You just might see that we all get along pretty damn well...

The United States of Trump!

Whether you love Trump, are indifferent or really hate the guy. I would urge every voting American to grab a copy and read every page. Mr. O'Reilly's books are well vetted, concise and very very interesting. There is material in this book that has never seen (or ever will see) the light of day from the far left media. Get it here.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

America. Are we losing some basic freedoms?

On a street, where I have lived exists a road and a gate. The gate allows or restricts access to a public area park that is run by the Army Corps of Engineers or 'The Government' for short. Most of the time, that gate is open and travel over the road is permitted, but at other times it's been closed. This is usually because the Corps had determined that potential hazards might exist. But take note, it's the government and not the the People who are making that decision and that's precisely why I have a problem with it in the first place!

Here in America, where we all enjoy a representative form of Republic where we are granted certain rights among which are basic individual freedoms; 'Individual freedom is a complex of values. In its most basic form, individual freedom is the freedom to live as you choose as long as you harm no one else. Each nation, each epoch in history, perhaps each individual, may define this ideal of individual freedom in different terms. In its noblest of expressions, individual freedom is enshrined in our Bill of Rights. It is freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, economic freedom, and freedom to choose your unique life style.'

In the United States, you see millions of individuals who make many choices every day. Some are good and others not so good. The point being is that we do get to choose... Excepting when a gate controlled by the government happens to block your way forward...

Now I know what many are thinking right now, 'Hey dummy, They close that road to protect you from harm!' To which I would replay, 'Oh, yeah? Why? Because I'm to slow to figure things out for myself?' In point of fact, there didn't used to be a gate there in the past at all! And, drivers made up their own minds if it was safe to proceed or not and few if any ever got hurt. Why exactly could they do this, back then? Because most everyone had a measure of common sense! Now, let me switch gears...

One of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, expressed his fears of giving too much power to the government thusly - ' In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.'

Concentrated political power frightened the Founders.  They believed that only by limiting government could liberty survive the natural tendency of man to dictate the habits of other men.  The balanced separation of power with checks was designed to prevent tyranny.  Each branch was given delineated powers, and then each of these powers was limited and checked by another branch or entity.  The system was purposely designed to slow governmental actions enough to allow due deliberation.  This frustrates those who want the government to always “do something” about every problem (rules and restrictions), but it also hampers the government from doing something grievous that affects our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

I close by stating this... 'Tear down that fucking gate!'

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Left's grand plan for paying for free healthcare!

Someone on the Far Left finally explained how we can all enjoy free health care! Once you're not able to contribute, you can always offer yourself up as cheap fertilizer.... Or, just perhaps...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Is Adam Schiff comitting treason?

House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy railed against House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff Sunday, accusing him of single-handedly dictating the impeachment inquiry he described as a "calculated coup."

Coup defined: sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

Treason defined: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

U.S. Code § 2381. Treason : Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 

All that's left is for the courts to connect the dots!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Warren, please take your healthcare and tax plan and shove it!

Do individuals, like Elizabeth Warren, have even a vague idea  of how businesses work here in America? I don’t think so, and here's why.

Many, even most citizens gain wealth and other benefits by banding together synergistically under the leadership of a company or corporation begun by some one person or persons who began them with a concept, a mission statement and then who had the guts (and the seed money) to compete in very tough and competitive environments. If everyone worked together and were very lucky, then the company would grow and the rewards for all would be great. (On the flip side, for every successful company, there are many more failures that take those self same owners down the tubes. That’s the breaks of the game).

But yes, it was those very self same entrepreneurs who took a chance, at the onset, that stood the most to gain (or lose). These same individuals, then often will start up other companies that today employ millions of very happy people.

Here, in this Republic, I feel that model has worked out quite well….

Warren, on the other hand, would place the worker class against the owner class by bleeding the latter of any incentives to invest in new enterprises. She’d do that by taxing the hell out of the very people that made jobs and careers available to millions and millions. Were that to happen, many would simply pack up and leave for greener pastures, leaving those left behind to wander around like you see in other Socialist constructs around the world.

Personally, I wish she would go back to the reservation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Virginia government now all Democratic!

All eyes will please take note and observe that the State of Virginia hosts an entirely Democratic government. November 2019 thus marks a prolonged downturn for them.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Core Ideological Conflict: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up!

At its absolute core, the difference between conservatives and liberals seems to boil down to one thing: liberals believe that society can be fixed by grand architecture, while conservatives believe it can only be fixed by individual action.

Call it the difference between “top-down” and "bottom-up."
  • Liberals believe that it is the government's responsibility to put in place laws and institutions to coerce citizens to act in a certain way. Government can provide a framework to influence human behavior to benefit us all. A better society can be realized through community.
  • Conservatives believe that the only way to influence society in the aggregate is for individual people to take better actions that will organically combine to incrementally form a better society.  Societal improvement is based on the foundation of the individual.
As would be expected, each side disagrees with the other:
  • Liberals believe that the conservative view is flawed because there are situations where no single person has any incentive to change – indeed, it is to their advantage to continue acting selfishly – so they have to be artificially incentivized via external legal and social structures.
  • Conservatives believe that humans are flawed by nature and will resist coercion. Inequalities will exist because humans have naturally differing levels of skill, ambition, and tenacity and should be rewarded as such. Attempts to architect results removes incentives and reduces ambition and achievement which makes society worse over time.

    Thus the difference on the Left is the desire to build a giant Nanny State to make all our decisions and to take care of us from cradle to grave. While the other side believes in people living as unique individual adults who make their own decisions, right or wrong. Personally, I like the right side (pun intended).

    Excerpted from http://deanebarker.net/blog/post/2090/ Also, this post had absolutely nothing to do with Ben Shapiro...

Friday, November 1, 2019