Friday, August 7, 2020

What if Biden wins. What will happen next?


What would America look like, after January 2021, if the Democrats steal an election?

Better yet, what would Biden do first thing out of the gate????

Open borders for all with free healthcare. (For the poor, uneducated and disease ridden millions). Note that this act alone will also downgrade those honest to God American's quality of care. Tough luck. The state would look at such a move, as insuring a compliant and willing foreign population that would always vote who they were told to vote for.

Eliminate the Electoral College. Once accomplished, the popular vote would always insure that the Democrats would win. Why? Well, only a handful states such as NY and California alone, could dictate the winner in any future election. Forever.

Reinstate the universal healthcare mandate ! – You either get insured or you pay anyway. After all the Socialist States of America cannot trust you a mere citizen to do the right thing.

Raise taxes on corporations right through the roof. Maybe up to 86% - So, as Ross Perot once quipped, that 'sucking sound' you hear will be yet another corporate exodus, out of the country and on to foreign shores. Ya say you want a job? Consider relocating to Ireland, sucker!

Begin universal gun confiscation – Those perky assault rifles and handguns would need to go! After all, a defenseless population is a compliant population. (That's just the opposite of saying an armed population is a polite population). But, what do I know.

Begin limiting or rearranging the meaning of the first and second amendments – Start 'realigning' those words that give perhaps too much power to the proletariat, aka a word once defined as the lowest class of citizens in ancient Rome. Why? Because, that's what you all will be. There will be the State and then there's you, you poor slob... Oh, and that concept called Rule of Law will become the Rule of State – just like what we seem in Communist China! Actually, just like we are now seeing at Facebook!

Begin the process of tearing down the military to very low levels, so that America will be a lot like the Ukraine is today – You know, easy to invade. Just ask Putin.

Bend at the waist to China and to Russia as far as trade agreements – you know, like you're gonna give that leader a good blow job, while we would be getting it in the ass!

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