Friday, June 27, 2014

Breakfast in the good old US of A! Circa 2014!

Rise and shine, sleepy heads!

Fried egg on toast
Homemade soup....................clink, clank, slop n drop! Breakfast is ready!
2% milk

As I ate my breakfast this fine morning, I casually watched the TV. Some Fox announcer was talking about how hundreds of south American children were being raped and even killed down in Mexico as they made an exodus to this country and I found that disturbing. I thought, 'What's up with that!' Then, I simply dismissed it. I thought to myself, 'Our President would never let such a horrible thing happen.' I then switched to another channel. (Me switching channels! That's been happening a lot lately). Lot's of troubling news out there and who really wants to listen to it. I sure don't! I figure that it's someone else's problem. After all, what can one old man like myself do?

OK, I'll give it one more stab........................

Impeach Obama - throw the bum out of office!
Bring that Marine home from Mexico!
Boycott all Mexican products and don't vacation there - EVER!
Seal the border - Duh!
Balance the damn Federal Budget!
Create a flat tax and implement it!
Fix healthcare - it's broke!

My wish list
Send Pelowsi and Reid for a two year swing around Mars! I'll even pay for it!

There! I feel better already!

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