Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wake up everyone – now even the poor may have to pay!

‘Families across the country might soon have to start trimming back their monthly budgets, with lawmakers running out of time and ideas for averting a crushing set of tax hikes.

President Obama, cutting his family vacation short, was flying out of Hawaii late Wednesday and planned to be back in Washington by Thursday morning. But it's not clear what he'll do once he gets there -- as of Wednesday, congressional leaders on all sides reported little to no bipartisan progress, or even conversations, toward a fiscal crisis deal over the Christmas break.’ 

My Thoughts: While I still think these weasels in Congress will come up with a last minute deal, this type of conduct (on both sides of the isle) is exactly why they must all be shown the door come next election! If you think this eleventh hour ‘deal’ will be the last of it, you’re sadly mistaken. These crisis times will begin, now, to come ever more frequently until, you guessed it, we look so much like Greece it will be scary! America – half of you voted this idiot into office and now you vill pay!

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