Not unlike two lovers who find
themselves in a death spiral, Democrats and Republicans cannot seem
to find a way to work together and the Great Divider Obama is not
helping matters.
Let's face some facts. One, we will be
going over the cliff come January 1 and not even a last minute coming
together by both sides will stop it. Why? Because as they come closer
to the edge, one side is depending on the other to cave. A situation
that's not helped along much with the President's my way or the
highway approach. Truth be told, it's very much in the President's
political interest to see America suffer. In his jaded view this
disaster that will befall the middle class is a win win situation as
he strives to fracture further an already messed up Republican Party.
And yes, our boy in the White House apparently could care less as to
the fate of millions of his constituents. As the Pharaoh of Egypt
once remarked, 'let them make bricks without straw.' For be it told,
this President ain't letting his people go no way no how.
So, if this cliff thing is going
to happen, what's the best way for the average family to survive?
Here's an easy answer and a way out. Everybody, just quit your jobs
and go on the Federal dole. Yeah baby, get out there and suck up to
every freebie you can find (cause there's a lot to go around). Also,
as member of the nouveau
pauvre, you can pretty much live the lifestyle you've been used
to with the only difference being that the Nanny State will be
supporting you up from now on.
Picture now, an overnight change in our
society into just two classes – the Makers and the Takers of which
you will be a Taker. Then, over a period of months, we can all watch
our government suck the life out of those bad old Corporations until
nothing but dry husks are left. After that happens, the real magic
will come into play as our President produces money right out of thin
air. How you might ask with wondering eyes? Why he has a secret buddy
name Ben Bernanke who can print money like there was no tomorrow (you
know, sorta like he's doing now). As a matter of fact, we all will be
swimming in money. A situation not unlike what happened to the Weimar
Republic! And while the breadwinner of the family is carting over a
wheel barrel full of currency to the local store to buy some bread
with, our government will be effectively nullifying our international
debt by making the dollar completely worthless. Wow! What a plan! Now
can you guess where we'd be headed next? Hint: read up in the Weimar
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