Friday, December 28, 2012

Taking apart a reeking pile of Washington doo-doo!

As I didn't want to offend my more sensitive readers, I tried to use a word here that would sound more civilized…Doo-doo! (That word other ‘crap’ is so obtuse! Don’t you think)?

At any rate, what's going on in Washington these days could be certainly termed a crime! Watching a group of four hundred, or so, of our legislators trying to come to consensus over the fiscal policies of the nation has been nothing short of nauseating. That sad truth is that most of the viewers (common citizens like me and you), can’t tell where the theatrics stop short of reality. Just by watching the action, it’s hard to tell whose winning. Hell, it’s even harder to tell what the winning side is really…winning! That’s pretty sad too, because it’s our wallets are on the line!

Now, I’m absolutely positive that this mess will all get worked out at some point. True, it may be in the weeks after we go over a cliff, but yes, these elected officials will either hammer something out or they will just kick the whole pile of shit down the street. (They’ve gotten oh so good at doing that, haven’t they)? But, what about the damage that’s been done to the nation’s collective psyche as a result?

The truth is that now people I know on the street are becoming more and more polarized along ideological lines that are diametrically opposite. On one hand, you have those (the so-called 47%’ers) who feel they are ‘entitled by birth’ to more and more free stuff without end. At the other end of the spectrum, you have those (owners of businesses) who are trying to hold on to what they’ve worked hard all their lives to make. And then, caught somewhere in the middle are millions of citizens who worked hard all their lives thinking that the government would shelter and protect them vis-à-vis Social Security and Medicare during their Golden years. (Good luck with that)! Finally, interspersed throughout the doggie pile are tens of thousands of individuals who are happily ‘gaming the system’ through fraudulent medial claims, food stamp programs and other government handouts. I’m thinking this will not end well…

Now it’s come to pass that our legislators have their collective backs against a fiscal wall and what are they doing? All I’m seeing are cheap theatrics, pointless speech-making and narcissistic back patting. Adding to the chaos, is a President that does a much better job of dividing than he does of bringing together conflicting sides. As I said earlier, a real pile of doggie doo-doo.

And, I suppose it's also too bad that by the time all the dust settles, there will still be millions and millions of us trusting Americans standing around with our collective pants on the floor. And, unlike the wise man who watches things happen or a rich man who makes things happen, we’ll all be standing around asking, ‘What happened.’

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