Friday, August 17, 2018

As the Nation humms along, the Left is imploding!

The United States is humming along like a supercharged race car with a smoking economy, record low unemployment, improved standing in the world and a growing National sense of We-Can-Do!

Now, I wouldn't bore my few readers with the bodacious figures they can easily gather from the net. What I did want to delve into, was the steaming mess that has become the Democratic Party leadership. Seriously, after hanging its collective hat on Russian collusion, insanity and general incompetence, President Trump and America continued to steam forward while gaining in almost every poll. Damn him to hell, they continued to shout in united voice!

In point of fact, the signs of self implosion of the DNC were becoming pretty clear to many. Front runners like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who have shown a rather poor knowledge of most everything political, were casting new doubts among the Far Left rank and file. Turning Point even offered her a 100K sum which she could donate to any charity, if she would only debate Candice Owens on National TV. Alexandria turned them down flat. (More than likely a pretty smart move). Then there is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. A man who shocked a crowd by stating that 'America was never that great'! Really? What about all those people risking life and limb just to get in here?

Possibly to only thing that could save the Democratic Party, would be a really large national calamity. Hell, ANY news that was negative concerning Trump, would likely cause them to cream their pants! And if the bad news also affected the country in a bad way – Well, what the heck. They've never shown much interest in our Capitalist Republic, mainly because it doesn't have the word 'socialism' somewhere in the description.

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