Saturday, July 19, 2014

Russian cowards, and the shame that will last forever!

The BUK missile system, that brought down a commercial airliner, being spirited out of the Ukraine and on its way to Russia. As you can see, it's missing two missiles....

Putin denies any responsibility. What a shocker! (Reminds me of another well known leader). In point of fact, Putin is a congenital liar, a soulless killer and now a certified terrorist of the first order! Like any playground bully, he knows only one fact of life –  the use of power! Sadly, America has a leader who only knows how to lie down with his soft little tummy in the air!

The point is, it would take forensic scientists no time at all to make a determination as to the cause of the destruction of Flight MH17, (were they to ever get access to the site). That will just not happen if the forces of evil can help it! Putin will do whatever it takes to remove any and all evidence of this cowardly act by the leader of the Russian people.

For myself, I would call on the world to place a billion dollar reward on any person or persons that could capture Putin dead or alive...make that dead only!

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