Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Nation in disarray!

It is my hope, that at some point during this latest Federal shutdown, a few of the 800K furloughed employees will contemplate on what's going to happen to all of us going forward. There are three things that I can think of off hand....

First, they will come to understand that these Federal shutdowns will become the 'new normal'. Out of necessity, they can only increase in number and each time the severity will be greater. Why? Because there is no where else for this Country to run! The Administration's back is up against the wall and everyone knows it. At the time of this post, another CR is just six weeks away! And, there will be yet another after that in December... Crisis after crisis after crisis with no country who can or is even able to bail us out! Today, the only infusion of 'new' money to support our failing economy is the 'funny money' that the Fed is printing. And, even that isn't going to work much longer. Our Congressmen and women, now at only a 10% approval rating, are coming under increasing pressure to raise more taxes in order to continue pumping billions and billions into frayed entitlement and infrastructure programs. An orgy of spending by Capitol Hill that, in or itself, needs four trillion a year just to keep itself afloat!

Second. Obamacare is not only just a train wreck. It's an infected chancre of convoluted legislation whose poison will take years to work its way through the body politic. And, by the time all the supporters of this law, (the scared, the old and the infirm) come to realize they've been thrown under the bus, it will be far too late. (Incidentally, I predict the year twenty fourteen will be a horrible election cycle for the Democratic Party. But, you know what? At that juncture it simply won't matter who is or who comes into power). By 2014, the country may well be reeling from the cumulative effects of massive tax increases even as a bloated, cancerous and incompetent government grows ever larger. Money will flow uphill like some incredible river with only a trickle coming back down to the average citizen. Money that no longer expands the economy, but rather sustains the slow rot that is killing it. Millions of lives will be permanently wrecked from the synergistic effects of poor & inadequate healthcare, too few working hours and a general loss of faith. (And, our boy Obama? Why, he'll still have two more glorious years to go...)

Third. As our Republic reels continues to reel back and forth from one crisis to another, I'm sure the other world powers will be eying this piece of real estate with increasing interest. Iran, soon to be a nuclear power, may start things off with a nice little war with Israel as they try their best to wipe that country off the face of the map. In that event, I predict Obama will just stand by and watch. Maybe he'll give a good speech. I don't know. But, if he does, it will be an empty speech none the less. You see, America is fast losing her status as the last bastion of freedom. She has become darker and more diminished in the eyes of the world. and, she may well be forced to stand idly by as Muslim extremists consolidate and bring together a new caliphate – an assembly of Islamic peoples that will bow (willingly or not willingly) to Allah, while the women of that world are reduced to the status of cattle.

Are these the disjointed musings of a demented old man? On this day, while sitting at home, I'm not even 100 feet from a gate that bars me access to a much loved park... Let the games begin!

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