Saturday, February 2, 2013

Is war with China growing ever more certain?

While a lot of national attention has been focused on China and her burgeoning economy as of late, there also exists a more sinister underbelly to this country of 1.3 billion souls.

According to an article published in Brooking and written by Cheng Li, two major scenarios have been much overlooked; ‘domestic revolution and foreign war’. He states that there are ‘many serious problems in China that could trigger a major crisis, including slowing economic growth, widespread social unrest, rampant official corruption, vicious elite infighting and a heightened sense of Chinese nationalism in the wake of escalated tensions over territorial disputes with Japan and other southeast Asian countries.’

In the midst of all this is our American Congress, a body of legislators who are constantly teetering on the verge of one severe economic crisis after the other with millions unemployed while sitting on a National Debt in the tens of trillions. A shaky group lead by a President that many now openly question if he has the debt of international acumen to hold what’s become a fragile alliance of Chinese and American interests solidly together. Add into the mix, the President’s recent choice of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense who, (during his confirmation hearing) exposed himself as a complete dunce and you might have a recipe for disaster brewing.

These are certainly troubling times we find ourselves in and America’s leadership will need to patience of a Buddha combined with the know how of a Henry Kissinger if she is to successfully weave her way through the troubled waters that lie ahead. How well they can handle the open hostility seen in China combined with the naked aggression seen in countries like Syria and Iran will be interesting to watch. Although, in my case, I’ll be watching from a bunker.

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