Thursday, May 24, 2012

Obama or Romney: Is that our choice America?

A left wing socialist or a hyper capitalist! Is that our choice America? Either way, it will be more of the same. No matter who gets elected in the office of the President, it will be business as usual in Congress. Rank and file Americans are standing around watching with dull eyes as the Fed’s printing presses run non-stop twenty-four seven. Almost half the country is living off some form of entitlement program while the other half, the working half, are being smothered under a mountain of regulations.

Folks, this is not going to end well. Not for the citizenry and not for the states. Not until we come to realize that the real problems with government exist in the manner in which the states have wandered away from the original construct we call the Constitution. How over the course of years they have, each and every one, abrogated their sovereign powers to a Congress that is now grown out of control.

This November, please send these people a clear and unmistakable message and vote out of office any and all incumbents irregardless of their party affiliation. And yes, Joe Biden, a plumber could be a Presidential candidate in my book! Matter of fact, having someone equipped with a plunger in the White House, might just work out!

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