Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Obama and his hard on for gay marriage!

I’ll give this President one thing, when he embraces a concept, he does it all the way! Even to the extent of changing the constitution to allow gays everywhere to get married and live in nuptial bliss! It’s too bad that gay people just don’t amount to very much in terms of total population. Just as with other fringe groups don’t really play to much in this countries mainstream politics. But, unfortunately it’s a hot button issue for the Far Left who’d like to shove this psychological aberration down our throats in the same manner they have tried to get everyone to embrace socialism, Marxism and the atheists.

In the immortal worlds of Henry Ford, ‘It ain’t gonna work no matter how hard you wack the damn thing’. The mainstream of America is still based on the family unit consisting of a man and a women who work together to raise families, attend church and make the USA what it has become over the past many decades; a leader in world affairs that other people struggle desperately to become a part of and get into. That be the way it is today and that be the way it is for tomorrow no matter how hard the left wing-nuts would have you believe things are different.

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