Thursday, March 18, 2021

I’m getting fed up with many things! Especially the government!


As my Republic has radically changed so much under Biden, that I cannot any longer recognize it, I’ve decided to make some ‘changes’ in my life….

  1. I’ve canceled my Twitter and Facebook accounts due to their moves to the Left.
  2. I’m getting ready to cancel my Vonage account due to excessive robo-calls and insanely high Federal taxes for that service.
  3. I am ignoring any and all government orders, as I feel they are corrupt, partisan and most often unconstitutional.
  4. I am getting ready to cancel my Amazon account due to their invasive privacy issues. Much as I loved the service.
  5. I no longer tune into YouTube for reasons of continued sanity. They to will be shit canned in the near future.

In short, I’m now moving in a new ‘direction’ that will eventually take me off the grid, at some point in time. I am taking these actions because I’ve come to believe that the United States is utterly failing and that it will soon be replaced by a cruel and harsh Dictatorship. I believe my country will and is being overrun by foreign nationals, who will help make it become lawless and corrupt.

I also do believe that there are millions who are thinking as I am this day. I would also hope that a few will consider cutting out the ‘crud’ that has crept into our lives. Lastly, God Damn those Democrats to hell who aid and who support a group of left leaning loons, who are tearing this country apart!

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