Friday, December 21, 2018

If I were a goat, I'd start running!

Every time something goes wrong or sideways in the US; be it the Stock Market, border problems or a mass shooting – you name it. I've heard that the Democratic leadership retires to a closed room to participate in a mass circle jerk-off. With dicks a flying they look into each other's eyes confident of an eventual return to dominance. (Something they feel they definitely deserve via divine inspiration).

Should they fail to achieve that power, I'm betting they would be more than willing to destroy the US, utterly! Then, standing proudly amid the ruins of a newly formed Third World nation, they might seek out some goats to instruct, as they will already be herding a bunch of sheep!

It's way past time for Americans to consider some remedial action to help cleanse that which has become dirty. Individuals like Chuck Schumer are not helping anyone or anything but themselves...

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