Monday, October 3, 2016

Hillary's 2017 agenda! The ruin of a once great nation!

In all likelihood, Hillary Clinton will be sworn in on January the 21st, 2017! And, just for historical sake, here are what I feel are the top five agenda items for her Presidency:
  1. Appoint the most liberal judge in history to the Supreme Court.
  2. Increase the number of Syrian refugees from tens of thousands into the millions.
  3. Clamp down hard on American energy production, while trusting those nations who hate us.
  4. Tax American corporations to such an overwhelming extent, that they leave.
  5. Abandon the blacks, once again, now that she had gotten their vote.
Now, while I'm sure that while we will survive as individuals, I greatly fear that our Republic will be history by the end of her term in office. I believe that she do absolutely nothing for my country other than to continue the ruinous harm inflected by the prior administration. [Sadly, these will be heady times indeed for the Anarchists, Socialists and other Godless people who roam the earth... as Americans will have given a tacit stamp of approval for congenital liars everywhere].

"There are three kinds of people living in the USA right now.
Those who support the Republic, those who would change it,
and those who haven't a single clue!"

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