Friday, July 22, 2016

Ten reasons to vote for crooked Hillary

  1. More free stuff for you and me! Party on dudes!
  2. Bill will finally get back to doing what he enjoys.
  3. Them thar southern borders will be flung wide open!
  4. Corporations will be heavily taxed, and then taxed some more! Who needs em?
  5. Jobs? We won't need no stinkin jobs! Let the gov take care of us!
  6. We will be able to fully embrace those Islamic extremists.... right here and up close!
  7. Anarchists will continue to run wild in the streets chasing those evil cops!
  8. Hillary and Soros will make us into a true Banana Republic! Only, without the Republic...
  9. Free healthcare for everyone! Including all who cross our border!
    And last, but not least...
  10. She will appoint extreme left Supreme court justices that will be around for decades!
Man o man. Seven years ago when Barrack Obama promised us all that change, I was pretty skeptical. Now, looking around myself in 2016..... I can clearly see that 20 Trillion in debt is just a number, and, if we were to elect Trump.... why, he might just put everyone back to work!

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