Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Obama, you SOB!

Words escape me, on this date, as I watched this complete pussy of a President, allow the Russians to bomb our good allies in Syria. A deliberate and intentional and pre-medititated murder of innocents that our country trained and who trusted us in their efforts to depose the butcher Bashar al-Assad from his leadership of Syria. Good going dickheads!

Obama and Perry are a disgrace and continuing hemorrhage on the body of this Republic. I will pray that these pieces of shit are removed by any means legal before they ignite WWIII.

A side note: Obama and his Progressive vision to downgrade America, that I can understand. He's a very verbal if misguided moron. Perry, however, you are an intelligent man! However, you are a baldfaced liar, deceiver and traitor whose soul will fry in hell! I do so pray!

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