Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Dark thoughts about China and her plans!

China's current population is estimated 1.411 billion! Compare that to America's 314 million with many of those baby boomers who are getting along in age. 

Like a player in a chess tournament, China has been moving its military pieces around in a manner that should scare some. China is having problems that expansion could  help to alleviate, at least short term. China is running out of natural resources - See China is burning through its natural resources! China will run out of potable water soon - See  China’s acute water shortage imperils economic future! China has one commodity in high excess - people.  Lots and lots of people!

While I would never hope for a bad outcome, I could see why the Chinese government might see a solution to many of its problem via explosive and forceful expansion into neighboring territories. And, if a few hundred million perish in the effort, well that wouldn't be all that bad now would it?

Whether by intentional plan or as a reaction to a lack of precious water, imagine hundreds of millions suddenly on the march into a country near you....

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