Tuesday, October 11, 2011

California: A state that's out of its mind!!

When thinking about the state of California, I’d like you to browse and pick from the following list of phrases to see if anything sticks:

Looney Tunes Capitol of the World.
Haven for illegal’s and other misfits.
The pot Mecca of the West.
A state in revolt against the Feds.
A state that’s just plain revolting…
Loosey goosey with Federal law.
Morally bankrupt and proud of it.
Fiscally bankrupt, but great at pan-handling other states.

Did you find one or two? I thought you might. And while California is technically a state of the Union, it acts more like another country. Consider the following recent laws:

  • You can grow, buy and consume pot anywhere in the state, in spite of Federal laws to the contrary!
  • The state is progressively taking over the job of parenting.
  • Open carry of a gun is now illegal.
  • Girls as young as 12 can receive medical injections without parent approval.
  • Illegal aliens are now encouraged to enter the state for financial rewards.
  • And the list keeps on growing….
What has the government of the United States done about any of this? Zippo and Nada come to my mind. What are they going to do about it in the future? See the aforementioned for an answer.  One other thing of note is that in spite of the enormous influx of Latino’s into the state; as a whole it has lost population for four years running now! That might be partly because business concerns are leaving as fast as they can pack up and go. What is left is a large population that constantly has their hands out, hoping for more and more entitlement programs while working less and less. Not exactly a recipe for a bright future.

I would say that we could just give the state to Mexico, but I fear that wouldn’t work out well. We’d just have to build a longer fence. We could also consider selling the state to the Chinese to settle our National Debt, but I don’t think they would fall for it either.

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